How to Consistently Organize & Store Your Overabundance of Digital Photos


Back in the day, I was a magazine ripper. Anything inspirational, I tore out to put on my boards. You couldn't pick up a magazine in my home without pages missing. Now in the digital world, I am a photo hoarder. 

As I look for design inspiration or photos to explain a detail to a client, being organized is essential. I also ask my clients to do the same by creating digital albums of looks they love and ones they don't. So, today, I’m sharing my top tips to consistently organize your photos…

1. Create & Implement a Thoughtful Filing System

The first objective is to decide what your goal is for the photos. Do you want to easily create those long overdue family albums? Assemble a creative idea album? Create a list of categories and sub-categories. 

Start tagging your photos with those category titles, use the automotive face recognition to put family members together, and use dates to chronologically sequence them. This is an extremely laborious task. Don't get discouraged. Keep deleting all those random selfies, and throw the "I have no idea what that is" photo into its own folder. Widdle it down at your own pace. It will seem less daunting.

2. Routinely Upload Photos to Cloud Storage

The number one task is to download photos from your various devices onto your computer. Then get into the habit of uploading them into cloud storage. Many cloud options, such as iDrive, Google Photos, and Dropbox, have varying space levels and costs. 

Stay ahead of it to prevent losing those precious memories or ideas.

3. Backup Photos on an Accessible External Drive

A physical hard drive to download photos is worth every penny. I personally love the Glyph Drive, at $299 for 2TB. It eases up on my iCloud storage costs and is a secure way to have a backup. You can't be too careful. How many times has your computer crashed?


Now instead of piles of magazine tears, I have created all sorts of albums to refer to when I am in the midst of the design process. I am a preacher to my own choir, stay on top of it.....the clutter assembles fast, and that drives me crazy!

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InspirationLori Feldman